Sanchit Dilip Jain/Serverless, No server, Really?

Created Sun, 22 May 2022 12:00:00 +0000 Modified Sun, 07 Jul 2024 20:06:17 +0000
124 Words 1 min

Serverless, No server, Really?


  • AWS User Group Nashik-Mumbai-Pune is excited to announce our finale session as part of Serverless, No server, Really? series.

  • This session will explore other lesser-known serverless services that can help leverage the true power of serverless like Fargate, the difference between EC2 Fargate and Lambda, an overview of SAM, AWS Step Functions, AWS AppSync, Amazon EventBridge, Aurora Serverless, RDS Proxy, and much more.

  • Speakers.

    1. Aishwarya Gupta - Senior Cloud Engineer, Quantiphi
    2. Jones Zachariah Noel N - AWS Serverless Hero & Sr.Developer Advocate, Freshworks
    3. Anurag Kale - AWS Data Hero & Cloud Software Architect, Polestar
    4. Srushith Repakula - AWS Serverless Hero & Head of Engineering, KonfHub
    5. Sanchit Jain - AWS Community Hero & Data Analytics & Cloud Practice Lead, Quantiphi

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