Sanchit Dilip Jain/Key Considerations for Utilizing Amazon Kinesis Producer and Consumer Libraries🛡️

Created Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Modified Sun, 07 Jul 2024 20:06:17 +0000
573 Words 3 min

Key Considerations for Utilizing Amazon Kinesis Producer and Consumer Libraries


  • As real-time data processing becomes increasingly critical in modern tech ecosystems, AWS Kinesis Data Streams (KDS) has emerged as a go-to solution. Kinesis offers scalable and durable real-time data streaming, further complemented by two crucial libraries:

    • Kinesis Producer Library (KPL) and
    • Kinesis Consumer Library (KCL).
  • Additionally, Kinesis supports advanced data sharing mechanisms, allowing data streams to be consumed by multiple entities simultaneously.

  • In this deep dive, we will explore the intricacies of these libraries and data sharing strategies, complete with expert-level insights and Python code snippets to facilitate a hands-on understanding.

  • Kinesis Producer Library (KPL)

    1. Aggregation

      • KPL provides the ability to aggregate multiple logical records into a single Kinesis Data Record, saving on the costs of individual PutRecord requests.

      • However, ensure that all data consumers have the ability to de-aggregate these records using either KCL or the Amazon Kinesis Aggregator/De-aggregator Module.

        from aws_kinesis_agg import aggregator
        agg = aggregator.RecordAggregator()
        # add your data records
        for data in data_records:
            agg.add_user_record(partition_key, data)
        # get aggregated records
        for aggregated_record in agg.get_records():
            # Write the aggregated records to Kinesis
    2. Efficient Error Handling

      • KPL provides a Future object for each record, allowing you to handle potential errors effectively. Future objects represent the result of computation, which might be incomplete at the time of object creation.

        def get_error_records(future):
            if future.isDone():
                response = future.get()
                if not response.isSuccessful():
                    print(f"Record failed with error: {response.getErrorMessage()}")
    3. Customized Retry Logic

      • KPL’s built-in retry mechanism handles temporary failures, but you should also consider implementing custom logic to handle non-recoverable exceptions, thereby avoiding unnecessary retry attempts.
  • Kinesis Consumer Library (KCL)

    1. Robust Exception Handling

      • Implementing a robust exception handling mechanism is essential for smooth data processing. KCL can continuously retry to process a record until it succeeds, or the data becomes expired.

        class RecordProcessor(kcl.RecordProcessorBase):
            def process_record(self, record):
                    # Process record
                except Exception as e:
                    logging.error(f'Exception: {str(e)}')
    2. Strategic Checkpointing

      • Checkpointing helps maintain the processing state of a Kinesis data stream. By checkpointing after a successful operation, you can ensure that records are not reprocessed in the event of a failure.

        class RecordProcessor(kcl.RecordProcessorBase):
            def process_records(self, records, checkpointer):
                for record in records:
                    # Process record
    3. Optimal Batching

      • To reduce the cost and increase the performance of downstream operations, batch data records before performing operations such as database writes.

        class RecordProcessor(kcl.RecordProcessorBase):
            BATCH_SIZE = 100
            def batch_process_records(self, records):
                batch = []
                for record in records:
                    if len(batch) >= self.BATCH_SIZE:
                        batch = []
                if batch:
  • Data Sharing with AWS Kinesis

    • Kinesis Data Streams allows multiple consumers to process the same data stream simultaneously, each with a dedicated throughput of up to 2 MB/sec.

    • Fan-Out Design: Fan-Out enables multiple consumers to read data from the same stream concurrently. Each consumer registered with the stream has its own dedicated throughput.

      import boto3
      client = boto3.client('kinesis')
      response = client.register_stream_consumer(
    • AWS Lambda Integration: AWS Lambda can pull data from your stream and trigger a function to process it. This way, you can perform custom operations on your data or pass it to other AWS services like S3 or DynamoDB.

      import json
      import boto3
      def lambda_handler(event, context):
          for record in event['Records']:
             payload = json.loads(record['kinesis']['data'])
             # Your processing logic here


  • In conclusion, by harnessing the power of AWS Kinesis and mastering KPL, KCL, and effective data sharing practices, you can revolutionize your real-time data processing.
  • These expert tips will help you build efficient, resilient, and cost-effective data stream applications.
  • Happy streaming!